Tuesday, March 22, 2011

bio map

to start off I didn't have a clue or an idea on what to do for this bio map. it took me almost a whole week to figure out what i should do. i was walking through the Walmart craft section and saw this wiring sitting there and i decided that i could manipulate it and turn it into something that would work. when i got home i decided that i would create these balls of wire to represent the places that i have lived and then represent how long i lived there by the looping and intertwining of the wire. i connected the 3 balls of wire by 2 wires which symbolized the path of life....or the road we travel on during our life. attached to these balls are other wires that hold pictures of the people who are most important in my life and those who have dramatically changed my life in some way. 

all in all this piece turned out to be a nice piece of art considering i didnt have a clue when i first started.

start of bio map


college station


more huntsville

the inside

top view


start of cutting

almost done
finish and mounted


i decided that i wanted to do an optical illusion for my 111 line drawings!! it took 2 1/2 days to complete. I originally wanted to make it spin by adding a motor to the finished product and put it on a slow spin cycle to really blow peoples minds, but on the last day I decided not to because I didn't want to spend that kind of money and I didn't want to spend more time on it because I had already spent so much time on it.
start of a long couple of days

model vs piece

painting...painting...and more painting

sooo many lines!!!

time for touch ups

starting to take shape....still have a few touch ups

finally finished....time to transport to WASH building and mount

mounted and ready for critique

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The madness is over....with a self crit

The explosion that happened to this poor kitchen really took a toll on the WASH building. I do agree with Mr. Tony on how the hanging cutlery looks like a separate piece. All in all i am very happy with the way the piece turned out.

oh the modular madness

This piece is made out of plastic forks, knives, and spoons. It is suspended above the ground around eye level. and will have broken pieces hanging around it and laying on the floor

Everyone meet Eddie

This is Eddie. He is part Raptor and part donkey. I actually came up with him during my design phase of the modular madness project. I was trying to come up with a way to have a sphere...or some type of circular object that would start my project.

Word As Image

This project seemed to come together on its own. I started by looking through the paper and just trying to figure out what kind of word that I could use. I didn't want to have a word that was normally used and I really didn't want to copy someone else's word. I came up with Peace (1st image) and Addictions (2nd image). The Addictions piece came first I used the word addiction and used the background to cover up part of the word. I also used other words that people become addicted to and used the background again to cover up some of the words.

Cardboard done and finished

My project turned out to be a little different than the object that I was given. This is my take on the object. The hardest part about this piece is the time it took to cut out all of the circles. Also it took quite a bit of time to cut sections out of the piece for the placement of the spike leaves.

Safari Photos

Shower Curtain-Repetition/Translation
Dog Leash. Repetition
Lamp Neck-Repetition/Translation
Wrapping Paper-Repetition/Translation/Rotation
Window Curtain-Repetition/Translation
Dog bed-repetition

Monday, February 28, 2011

Cardboard Progress

The cardboard project has really showed me that you can do a lot with cardboard and Elmer's Glue. I cut about 80.....wait I don't remember how many I cut, but it was a lot!! Cardboard can be manipulated into many different shapes you just have to experiment and make it do what you want. I can't wait for my project to be finished and to see how it turns out in the end.